Thursday Evening & Friday Classes
Classes will be starting on Thursday evening after dinner, including the Beginner Lindy Hop Crash Course. The Thursday evening and Friday morning schedules will include Lindy Hop classes for all levels as well as some other options to choose from. You will not need to select these classes in advance. These classes are included with the Whole Shebang and also with the Thursday Add-On for the Weekend and Extended Weekend.
Optional class selections continue on Friday afternoon. These classes are open to all registration options. Check the detailed Schedule for more information.
Lindy Hop Beginner Crash Course
The Lindy Hop Beginner Crash Course is for anyone attending camp who does not have previous Lindy Hop experience, has a little experience, or wants to brush up on basics. The focus will be on technique, including frame and connection, the fundamentals of Lindy Hop such as swingout, lindy circle, side-by-side Charleston along with other variations, as well as mixing 6 and 8 count basics. This class is ideal for new dancers, those who have learned 6 count Swing, and those who have previously taken a few Lindy Hop classes. The goal will be to acquire good fundamental skills and to prepare you to take the Orange Track.
There will be 6 classes starting on Thursday evening and running through Friday. It is not necessary to register for these specific classes in advance. Anyone attending camp during Thursday and Friday are welcome to attend. The Beginner Lindy Hop Crash Course is included with the Whole Shebang and is also available with the optional Thursday Add-On for the Weekend and Extended Weekend. Do not miss the Beginner Crash Course if you need the preparation for the Lindy Hop track classes!
Lindy Hop Classes
Classes have always been a main focus with our days at Beantown. From the beginning, Beantown has been a “tracked” camp, and over the years the process has evolved and changed, always with the goal of finding the most ideal method of placing everyone in their best track placement. Six tracks are planned for this year, with track placements required for the top three tracks. In addition, Beantown instructors will be assisting at camp with helping each person be in their best fit. You may be moved to a different track than originally selected. Please note that it is the camp instructors who ultimately determine final Lindy Hop Track assignments!
When registering, everyone will be asked to select a track as a lead or follow. The role selection is only for track classes. In addition, a short questionnaire is included with registration to provide some guidance as to approximate level for each individual. If you would like to be considered for one of the tracks requiring placement, select the Blue or combined Yellow/Green track. Placements will take place at the first class on Saturday morning. Selecting one of the placement options does not guarantee being placed in one of those tracks. Do not miss these classes!
Descriptions are provided to give some guidance with selecting your appropriate track. Each person’s dance interest and progression is different. Many factors contribute, such as prior dance experience, time devoted, pace of learning, opportunities taken, general aptitude. Each track will have a range, and you may be in the middle, or you may be at the high or low end. Each track, and each track’s range depends on who attends camp this year, and may not necessarily match a previous year. Each track includes a performance routine, which can be a fun way to learn and work on your dancing along with classmates. Although not mandatory to perform, class routine performances are always a highlight of the week!
You can only take the Lindy Hop Track classes for which you are assigned, however, there is a wide range of other class choices for you to decide among during the non-track periods in a range of levels.
- Orange Track, Beginner Plus Track (Advanced Beginner)
This track is for those who already have a solid base of fundamentals, including swingout, lindy circle and side-by-side Charleston, and are comfortable executing them while social dancing. The focus will be on refining basics, adding styling and footwork variations, expanding your Lindy Hop repertoire, and bringing musicality into your dancing. The goal will be to take all of the different elements and start to put them together with flow and connection.
If you are a beginner with no prior Lindy Hop experience, or a little bit of experience, there is a Beginner Lindy Hop Crash Course offered on Thursday and Friday which will be needed in preparation to be in the Beginner Plus Track. (Available with the Thursday Add-On for the Weekend and Extended Weekend, and included with the Whole Shebang.)
- Pink Track
You’ve taken classes and workshops, and have gained confidence with social dancing. The focus will be on improving all of the elements you are already familiar with, while expanding your repertoire with more challenging combinations and concepts. Goals will be to take your dancing to a new level, with a concentration on smooth transitions, good lead-follow skills, learning to dance at a wider range of tempos, and expanding your musicality.
- Red Track
You’ve likely been Lindy Hop dancing for some time now, taken numerous classes and workshops, and traveled to events. You may have gotten into competing or local performances. A big focus has been working on musicality and improvisation, partner connection, as well as tackling some fancy footwork. You are comfortable dancing to a wide range of tempos.
- Blue Track (placements will be determined at camp)
Dancing Lindy Hop has been a big part of your life. You enjoy traveling to dance events, and usually do so on a regular basis. You may be a regular competitor, and possibly do some teaching. Social dancing feels like home, and you are comfortable adjusting to a wide variety of partners, regardless of their experience or ability. You are focused on continually refining your dance skills, your quality of movement, partner connection, and musicality. You like to explore new possibilities and challenges with your dancing.
- Yellow & Green Tracks (placements will be determined at camp)
You’ve likely been a Lindy Hopper for a considerable amount of time, have spent countless hours on the social dance floor, as well as often working on all the fine points of your dancing. You can dance well at all tempos, have a good understanding of partnering, working tricky moves and footwork, and enjoy creativity and improvising with the music. You continue to seek ways to improve the quality of your movement, and are interested in learning new concepts and ideas to apply in your own dancing. You may be teaching in your local scene or beyond, and compete at a high level.
Mini-Track Classes
Mini-Tracks will run Friday through Wednesday. Each Mini-Track will have 3 to 4 classes, designed to be taken from start to finish. The reason for the different Mini-Tracks is to enable you to make selections which will not overlap on the class schedule. If there isn’t a specific choice you’d like to make, select “Variety Pack”. Besides the choices given, class slots will also include a variety of optional classes, and they are all lumped into the variety pack selection.
If you are in the Orange Track, select Variety Pack for Mini-Track 1. The Beginner Plus routine will already be included on the track class schedule.
- Beginner Plus & Experienced Partners Lindy Hop Routine (Int-Adv) (Mini-Track 1)
This selection is for experienced dancers who would like to participate, pairing with a Beginner Plus camper. Maybe you’ve brought a friend or partner to camp this year who is a beginner. Maybe you would like to try the opposite role from your usual. Or maybe you just want to do it for fun!
There will be 3 classes with the first on Monday.
- Marie & Tyedric’s Jazz Routine (Int–Adv) (Mini-Track 1)
Classes are non-partner and will be aimed at intermediate to advanced dancers.
There will be 4 classes with the first on Sunday.
- Sonnie’s Jazz Routine for Scaredy Cats (All Levels) (Mini-Track 2)
Mostly move based (but with some thought exercises), this class will help you get comfy in your personal movement and open the door to your further progression. Classes are non-partner, and leveled for new and less experienced dancers, but scaredy cats of all levels welcome!
There will be 3 classes with the first on Sunday.
- Teacher Training with Dee, Felix & Marie (Int–Adv) (Mini-Track 2)
Requirements for attending: You should have a need and an interest in teaching dance to your community. It’s necessary to have at least an intermediate level of dance experience in order to teach beginners. No partner needed. Please bring a notebook and pen.
There will be 4 classes with the first on Friday.
- Variety Pack (Mini-Track 1-2)
If you are not selecting one of the options described, choose the Variety Pack. It includes classes at various levels with different topics. Specific class selections do not need to be made in advance. Be sure to check out the appropriate experience level and prerequisites when choosing classes to attend!
Topical groups include:
- Slow Dancing/Blues
- Movement
- Soul
- Music
- Balboa
- Partner Charleston
- Solo Jazz
- Fitness
- Specialty Topics
See the Schedule for specific class choices available each day.
In addition to the above, there are other activities happening throughout the week. Check the Schedule for times. These are open to everyone and you are welcome to just show up! Check back for new selections to be added.
- DJ Summit with Jonathan
These sessions are for everyone who loves Jazz music. Whether you’ve never DJ‘ed and want to start a music collection, you DJ locally once in a while and want to share that band you’re really into, or you’re a dedicated DJ who wants to talk about who’s best between Lester Young and Ben Webster, this is the place to be. If you want to talk about music, share with other people as passionate as yourself, or if you just want to listen to people talk about DJ’ing and Jazz music, come hang out with us! Jonathan will be there to direct the conversation and share his passion of music!
- Afternoon Stretch
A great way to look after your body at the end of the day! Please bring your own Yoga mat or towel.
- Practice Time with Beantown DJs
An open practice is scheduled most days just before dinner. This will be a good time to meet up with classmates to go over what you have learned in class.
- Balboa Practice Time with Jodi
Practices will be scheduled some days just before dinner. Jodi will be DJing specifically for those wanting to work on their Balboa.
- More to come!
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Dance Spaces
Most of the dance spaces have a wooden floor, and a change of shoes is requested. The Black Box has a marley floor. It would be best to have some shoe choices if possible. Bring cool, comfortable clothes for classes. All dance spaces are air-conditioned.